School Smiles - 8.5” X 11” 1/0, 60lb white, boxed, Jody Richards Elementary = $100.00 -

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School Smiles - 8.5” X 11” 1/0, 60lb white, boxed, Jody Richards Elementary = $100.00


School Smiles - 8.5” X 11” 1/0, 60lb white, boxed, Jody Richards Elementary = $100.00

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Product Description

School Smiles - 8.5” X 11” double sided, 1/0, 60lb White, USPS Medium Flat Rate Box/Boxes/Envelopes ready for shipping

Jody Richards Elementary; Attn: Patti Cashion 2100 Elrod Rd Bowling Green KY 42104

Green forms: 750 English, 30 Spanish, 15 Hakha/Chin, 20 Arabic, and 40 Burmese





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