DeOrnellas - Various = $86.00 -

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DeOrnellas - Various = $86.00


DeOrnellas - Various = $86.00

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Product Description

2 sided Mexico attachment: 40 copies, color/black, 80lb gloss text = $14.00

Corn 70A8: 30 color copies
Corn 72D4Q: 30 color copies
Corn 74C4: 30 color copies
Corn 74B6: 30 color copies
4 X 30 color copies, double sided, full bleed, 80lb gloss text = $46.80

For the 3 varieties of beans they are in one PDF but need them printed separate.
beans 34N02E: 20 color copies
Beans 39No7E: 20 color copies
Beans 40-N02E: 20 color copies
3 X 20 color copies, single sided, full bleed, 80lb gloss text = $25.20

TOTAL = $86.00

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