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Amwins - Business Cards and Embroidery = $847.50


Amwins - Business Cards and Embroidery = $847.50

$169.40 (Fixed shipping cost)

Out of Stock


Product Description


100# Cougar White Matte: 250 = $50.00
130# Cougar White Matte: 250 = $52.00
Typeset new name and proof = $7.50

78 Shirts embroidery, 3,787 white stitches at 3” wide per shirt = $702.00
3 Jackets embroidery, 3,787 white stitches at 3” wide per shirt = $27.00
1 Vest embroidery, 3,787 white stitches at 3” wide per shirt = $9.00

UPS Ground Shipping Business Cards = $14.54
UPS Ground Shipping Embroidery ($9,400 Value) = $154.86

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